Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Carrollton, Kentucky AAR

From the Captain's Table:

This past weekend found the 5th coming out of winter quarters. The 22 members of the regiment assembled itself on the lazy banks of the Ohio river. The quaint little village of Carrollton was the area designated to meet, and form a battle strategy for the upcoming season of action. It was the first time we had the opportunity to see 
Old faces and meet some new. After a rather pleasant evening of revelry we took 
our repose for the night. 
  The following morning gave hope to another beautiful day. The company mess cook and his assistant were trying out a new stove that he had seen other units using, but because of war time shortages he fabricated one himself. It seemed to work rather well 
and breakfast was served. After digesting and cleaning camp it was time for drill. For the most part it went fairly well and yet there was also other business that needed to be taken care of. The company needed to elect new leadership after Capt. Steiner’s promotion over the winter. It was proposed and seconded that the interim staff of Capt. Hocke, Lt. Julian,  1st Sgt. Zacovic, and 2nd Sgt. Foster should remain in their respective positions after which battle plans were discussed. 
  All however was not sunshine and roses. The weather was portending to be most disagreeable in the evening and reports were received of a group of detached union artillery, infantry and cavalry were in the area probably also trying to assemble with other units. I rallied the troops together and with the assistance of 3 pieces of field cannon, we waited to engage on the field. After a spirited cannonade I decided to break the company into squads under the respective guidance of the 1st and 2nd Sgts.
  As “A” squad was trying to surround the dismounted cav. an opportunity was seen to take prisoners and glean intelligence from them. These however must have been seasoned troops, for as we charged after they emptied their weapons, they drew pistols and fired at very close range resulting in casualties. After some maneuvering the company had fronted the enemy and flanked its escape route. To avoid any further needless bloodshed Maj. Steiner and the Union commander called a halt to remove the wounded from the field, but as we were collecting our fallen, a group of local curiosity seekers had gathered and the union troops quietly slipped away. We introduced ourselves as fellow Kentuckians and marched off the field in song and high spirits. 
  To avoid the possibility of being caught in the open again, and to avoid the coming inclement weather, it was decided to break camp and reform at Sharonville.
    Most respectfully,
        Capt. Hocke

Memorial Service at Johnson's Island

I am forwarding this information to you on the chance that you have time this weekend...
Unfortunately, Jeff and Sam will not be able to attend.

You are cordially invited to attend
Johnson’s Island Confederate Cemetery Memorial Service
April 27, 2019

Conducted by and courtesy of the:
United Daughters of the Confederacy
LaSalle Corbell Pickett Chapter #2070
  Children of the Confederacy, Stonewall Jackson Chapter #937
Parade to the Cemetery beginning at 12 noon, Memorial Service at the Cemetery entrance begins at 1pm
A light luncheon will be served following the ceremony

Directions to Johnson’s Island Confederate Cemetery: Exit at the SR 269/Marblehead exit ramp off US Route 2, west of Cleveland, follow the ramp and bear to the right (south) onto SR 269. At the first intersection turn left onto Bayshore Road and travel east 5.9 miles to Gaydos Drive. Be careful to remain on Bayshore Road as it bears right at the triangle.  Not far past the Marblehead limits sign, turn right onto Gaydos Dr. toward the tollgate and causeway to the Island.  Once on the Island, proceed straight through the four-way intersection to the Confederate Cemetery which is a short distance ahead on the left side.
Please remember to bring $2.00 (dollar bills only) to pay the causeway toll.

Monday, April 15, 2019

PACs information

Many thanks to all who came

to the 2019 Winter Meeting.

This was our largest 

meeting to date!

2019 Maximum Effort Events

July 5, 6 & 7, CWHI Gettysburg

October 4, 5 & 6, Shenandoah 1864

November 23, Remembrance Day Parade
Register for CWHI Gettysburg
Register for Shenandoah 1864
Maj. General Brian Gesuero 

passing command of the Legion 

to Brig. General Dale Foxwell
1st Legion, Provisional Army of the Confederate States
Copyright © 2017 1st Legion, Provisional Army of the Confederate States, Inc., All rights reserved.

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Reenacting schedule 2019

 Below is the link to the 2019 schedule - just click on it!!Aod7XGaw3mZpdkRwztz0UA6c1Kw