Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Heritage Village, Sharonville, Ohio

After Action Report:  Captain Bernie Hocke (abridged)

Tue, May 21, 11:36 PM (8 hours ago)
Dear Sirs. This weekend past, found the 5th Co.B in action in the Cincinnati area in the small town of Sharonville. While in bivouac, the 1st Tenn. arrived in the village also. After welcoming each other and setting up our respective camps it was time for supper. The Major, with his normal culinary flair produced a delicious meal of beef and vegetables stew. Or was it opossum?
   The next day,Saturday, blossomed bright and beautiful. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Breakfast was served to the troops after which a combined drill was conducted with the 1st Tenn. In the afternoon, news came that a mixed group of union cavalry and a company of infantry lead by a stout Irish Captain was in the area.
   We assembled the troops and prepared to meet, and drive them out of the area. We split into our respective companies to challenge our foe. The 1st made swift work of eliminating the dismounted cavalry while the 5th was holding off the infantry.
We combined our force to repel the union troops, but after a sharp scrap the daring Irishman charged his troops into the 1st Tenn. line causing them to break and run. This moment of chaos was enough that I was able to rally my troops, reload and prepared for a volley at their daring charge. As fate would have it, as we brought rifles to bear I was ordered to recover and retreat to a rear position. One last volley was made and we retreated back to our respective camps. Late in the evening an enjoyable supper was had.  Although compliments were given to the 5th for achieving the impossible mission in foraging and transport.
   Sunday morning started off promising, it was reported that a stranger had been around at various camps and had left evidence of his being there. I believe that because of individuals pulling their own version of Pickett duty at night, and Provost Kirby during the day, kept the culprit from entering our camp. As the day progressed, the union troops and the stout Irish fellow we had encountered previously were out in force again. The company was assembled and we met on the field once more.  After a short scrap, with few casualties, we decided to leave the field for the last time and break camp.
   Your obedient servant
       Capt. Hocke
Our newest members:  Barry and Jana Chadwell

Private Johnathan (Apple Seed) Duvall
                      Private James Duvall

The Photos below are all from  David Burns Photography

1 comment:

  1. Will you be heading to Hale farm in Bath Ohio Aug 8-9 2020?Thank You
