The following was written by Woody (Mooner) Walsh:
Top ten highlights of the 150th Richmond Campaign:
10. Nobody got poison ivy.
9. Nobody got bit by mosquitoes, ticks or chiggers (at least not that I heard).
8. Harmonic Taps played on Saturday night out by the lake.
7. Fried ham and fried bacon. Let’s say that again. Fried ham and fried bacon.
6. Yankee Bob with a black ring around his mouth from eating black powder. Sort of an 1860’s Alice Cooper look.
5. Nancy bought a rocking chair.
4. The Captain bought a rocking chair – but he still likes Nancy’s better. And I am talking about Nancy’s CHAIR. So get your mind out of the gutter.
3. Picking bugs out of Sam’s hair.
2. The massive conflagration constructed by our fearless, yet gentle, first sergeant that flamed up to about 8 feet in the air to make Yankee Bob feel that our fire was bigger than a 1st Tennessee fire.
And. Lastly, or should I say, Firstly the Number One highlight of the 150th Richmond Campaign:
“YEAH BABY!!” Non-period exclamation screamed by the Captain as he skipped and danced to the front of our lines pumping his fist like Tiger Woods after we fired off a PERFECT buck and ball volley at the start of the Sunday battle.
Honorable Mention:
Yankees on Sunday are not firing at us and are just standing there.
Bernie, “Don’t just stand there. DO SOMETHING!”
Irish, “Even if it’s wrong!”
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